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Jerry martin

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Jan. 6, 2015





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mobile + rf antenna

hi is antenna and remote kit RF641W compatible with the mobile antenna setup or i need absolutely use the RF 751W you provided to used before tks.


mazda cx-5 wont remote start blink 9 times

customer had trouble remote starting her car sometimes it started and sometimes didnt when it started it wouldnt stop with remote. She came by garage verify version and remote start had 71.26 on it, replaced it with 71.37 and now its blinking 9 times when remote starting and it doesnt start. Check wiring dont have t harness all wiring seems ok, check with multi-link tool and ignition for remote start comes on but car ignition doesnt.


2015 cx-9 vitre descende lors du demarrage

lors du demarrage a distance lorsqu ils fait la sequence debarre -barre les vitre ouvre.le cx-9 a une fonction si tu appuie 2 fois sur debarrer et tu tien les vitre et le sunroof ouvre(ne se desactive pas).j ai reeussi a limiter la descente a apeu pret 2 pouce en reduisant le pulse a .25 seconde mais ils ouvrent toujours pareil


2015 mazda cx-9 alarme

bonjour j ai un client qui ma telephoner pour un probleme suite a notre installation d un evo-onesur un cx-9 gt avec le tech package.lorsque les porte sont barrer avec le remote oem ou le bouton dans sur les pognees l alarme s active lorsque la voiture est demarer avec le demareur a distance.l option d2 est activer mais fonctionne seulement lorsque la voiture est barrer avec le remote du systeme de fortin, la l alarme ne s active a aussi dit que si les porte sont barrer avec le remote oem et ensuite demarrer a distance l alarme s active et les porte ne se debarre avec aucun remote doit debarrer avec la cle une fois debarrer il peu arreter l alarme. je n ai malheureusement pas le numero de service presentement mais le firmware ne doit pas etre en au de 71.36


2010 mazda 3 manual tach problem

i have a mazda 3 2010, completed the install of a evo-one. started progamming car wont start lights flashes 4 time (no tach) am i required to install the tach from the 20 pin connector or is it monitored eslewhere tks


mazda cx-5 doesnt remote start

installed an evo-one in a cx-5 everything went good done the programmation 1-12 went good done it a second time and i only get a yellow light not the usual red and blue .tried to progarm the blue led and it start to alternate red-yellow-blue then blinks blue like when you program with one key fob.tried to remote start without success park light lights up when trying to start and then turn off and doesnt blink only thing that blinks is the blue led on the rf antenna as it blinks 4 times


mazda 3 2013 push to start evo-one

installed a evo-one in a 2013 mazda 3 with a push to start, Rene Bourassa told me to install it like the evo-all so i did. after the installation vehicule didnt start, managed to make it start but the remote keyless entry light comes on has well as about 4-6 dtc codes. the customer had a system previously installed from an other company with same trouble. system doesnt seem to be able to bypass RKE system


thar-maz1 install guide

i saw the install guide for the thar-maz1 harness but it has been removed from the site when will it be available again thank you

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